Trusted Consultants for Pipe & Steel Fabrication, Module Fabrication & Engineering Services

J&L Advantage

“The J&L Team has access to the largest fabrication facilities in the world and cost-effective engineering solutions. If your facility needs a specialized solution, they have the bandwidth to the get the job done. 

It is about having the right team on your side. You need answers to unique challenges. You need a partner that is on your side and is “in it to win it.” J&L Advantage Solutions is a team you can trust.

J&L Advantage Solutions

Helping you streamline construction management for projects, revamps and turnarounds. 

We take the time to understand you as a partner, and in return we find the right solutions for your industry.


Our Services

  • Pipe Fabrication
  • Structural Steel Fabrication
  • Modular Fabrication
  • Induction Bending
  • Specialty Coating Services
  • Engineering Services & Solutions

Cost-effective engineering solutions to supplement in-house design.

Industries Served

Refining & Petrochemical

Heavy Industrial Construction

Power Generation

Shipping Industry

LNG / Gas Processing

Offshore Oil Production


Water / Wastewater



Experienced, Principled Management

J&L’s Management Team consists of highly-experienced and battled-tested professionals with strong industrial and technical backgrounds. We have a decades-long history of successful project delivery.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.